Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Totally Adicted!!! 2 door cinema club, shameless etc.

So it looks like MTV is finally coming back, well slowly but surely. Although I would usually have to get up with the birds to see any musical programming on MTV, it is so worth waking up really early in the morning, to watch AMTV (really suitable name now that I think of it). The time difference during winter also helps (1 hour behind Eastern time)lessen the necessity of getting up early for at least 5 or so months.

Today watching AMTV while trying not to burn my t-shirt while ironing I stumbled upon a video premiere from a really cool band from Ireland(land of my ancestors, well one of the various lands of my ancestors) called Two Door Cinema Club with their video for the song "what you know"

Speaking of MTV next week Monday is the date for the premiere of Skins USA, which I am highly anticipating/dreading at the same time. Afterall a remake of one of the best UK shows, which is not only notorious for pushing the boundaries of showing teenage drug and alcohol abuse(or enjoyment as some might put it) but also for being very frank and real in their dialog( probably the most expletives you would hear in a primetime show, well unless you're accustomed to watching E4 ). It also has very strong thematic interpretations on teenage sex and sexuality à la Emily and Naomi in series( aka "season") 3 & 4, or even the completely weird love triangle in series 1. I would love to see how MTV interprets and rehashes this show, and from what can be seen from the trailer it looks like a watered down and tame portrayal of the original, but who knows I heard the "f" word in an online promo, so I might just be pleasantly surprised (as they say don't judge a book by its cover, only it would be a show by its promo in this case). Hopefully the promo was just watered down for tv airing, as it has an MA rating, which translated into my rating system = show actually worth watching.

Furthermore speaking of US remakes to UK shows, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by Showtimes take on once again E4's Shameless. The acting was brilliant, the storyline even though it was basically a copy and paste of the pilot of the original, like any good plagerist, or plageriser ( however you spell it)(aka college student) knows tweak it up here and there, and it did feel like something new and fresh even different.

oh yeah Happy New Year!

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